BOINC Cluster Benchmarks and Updates March 2021

Finally I was able to finish print and assembly of the cluster rack case. Some missing parts needed to be fetched which was a sometimes a little complicated because of COVID restrictions. Instead of ordering things via Amazon prime I allways support the local stores for sourcing.

The cluster rack case became finally Mark III-ish. Because of the PoE HATs I needed to print some spacers in order to fit each Pi. Because of the modding I was only able to fit four 80mm fans in the back of the case. Cooling airflow seems to be sufficient anyway. The Case can hold 11 Raspberry Pi4 with Waveshare PoE HATs.

Cluster rack case parts:

In March 2021 the K3S Cluster was also expanded with 2 more Raspberry Pi4 8 GB Nodes. The cluster consits now of 6 Raspberry Pi4.

Last month I added 32 Bit support to the K3S BOINC Pods. The Cluster is now volunteering on Rosetta@home (64Bit), LHC@home (64Bit), Einstein@home (64Bit), Universe@home (32 Bit) and Asteroids@home (32Bit). Ressourece share for each Project is now 20%.

I was wondering why BOINC Client pods only used 3 CPU for processing. Finally I found a setting BAM!Stats setting where computing was limited to 3 CPU. I could not remember that I set this limit there. Anyway … the limit is now removed and each pod is now processing 4 tasks in parallel.

Because of Cluster assembling and fitting parts I had to shutdown the cluster a couple of times. I summarized the finished tasks from 01.03.2021 to 30.03.2021. Aborted tasks or tasks with runtime 0:00 have been removed from this analysis. Statistics have been collected with BoincTasks and summarized in Excel. 2310 Tasks have been completed in total. Results:

ProjectApplicationTasks doneAvg (h)Min (h)Max (h)
Universe@HomeUniverse BHspin v24564,561,917,30
Universe@HomeUniverse ULX1360,470,330,61
Asteroids@HomePeriod Search Application11414,012,3222,31
BOINC Cluster throughput from 01.03.2021 to 30.03.21 (Without aborted and suspicious tasks runtime 0:00)

Happy crunching !


Hey, I am Jan. I am an IT Project and Technical Application Manager specialized on Output Management und CCM Solutions.

I have always been that hands on guy. Since it has not been possible in my business to get in touch with kubernetes I decided to do something on my own. Crunching with BOINC looks reasonable for me here.

I first registred for SETI@Home on 07. July in 1999. Happy crunching!

Artikel: 25

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