BOINC Cluster Benchmarks April 2021

April was very busy for me and I did not really get my hands one the cluster. So the Raspberry Pi Nodes got time to crunch pretty undisturbed. Only thing to mention is that the fan of one POE HAT…

BOINC Cluster Benchmarks and Updates March 2021

Finally I was able to finish print and assembly of the cluster rack case. Some missing parts needed to be fetched which was a sometimes a little complicated because of COVID restrictions. Instead of ordering things via Amazon prime I…

BOINC Cluster Benchmarks February 2021

In February the Cluster had a couple of downtimes since the build of the 19″ Pi rack has begun. As you may have heard I gifted myself a Prusa Mini+ 3D Printer in order to „print“ a special 19″ case.…

BOINC Cluster Benchmarks January 2021

As today the Raspberry Kubernetes Cluster consists of 4 Raspberry Pi 4 (8GB RAM) and runs on Raspberry Pi OS (64 Bit) beta. The Cluster is build with Rancher K3S. Each BOINC pod has assigned 3 CPUs and 6GB of…