BOINC Cluster Benchmarks April 2021

April was very busy for me and I did not really get my hands one the cluster. So the Raspberry Pi Nodes got time to crunch pretty undisturbed. Only thing to mention is that the fan of one POE HAT started to die with an very annoying noise. I decided to disable the fan of that certain node while spares are sourced. Actually the fan failure was not a serious issue because the 80mm fans of the server rack do a famous job. CPU temperature was only slightly increased to 60° degrees celsius. I now ordered a spare POE HAT and a single 30x30mm fan as a replacement for the one started to die.

I summarized the finished tasks from 01.04.2021 to 31.04.2021. Aborted tasks or tasks with runtime 0:00 have been removed from this analysis. Statistics have been collected with BoincTasks and summarized in Excel. 3072 Tasks have been completed in total. Results:

ProjectApplicationTasks doneAvg (h)Min (h)Max (h)
Asteroids@HomePeriod Search Application20416,740,3336,73
Universe@HomeUniverse BHspin v28914,592,457,14
Universe@HomeUniverse ULX810,460,360,57
BOINC Cluster throughput from 01.04.2021 to 31.04.21 (Without aborted and suspicious tasks runtime 0:00)

Hey, I am Jan. I am an IT Project and Technical Application Manager specialized on Output Management und CCM Solutions.

I have always been that hands on guy. Since it has not been possible in my business to get in touch with kubernetes I decided to do something on my own. Crunching with BOINC looks reasonable for me here.

I first registred for SETI@Home on 07. July in 1999. Happy crunching!

Artikel: 25

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