Busy times

The BOINC Raspberry Cluster is still alive and crunching, no worries. The last two month have been extremely busy in the office. With the summer season started there was no time to update the blog. Unfortunately I found out that I had configured BoincTasks not correctly. Finishes work units are moved to the long term history but they will be removed from there after 30days. So actually the database is only 30 days back an I can’t report completely 05-2021 or 06-2021. This misconfiguration has now been fixed. Long time history stores now a complete year of finished work units.

The K3S Cluster still has 6 Raspberry Pi4 Members (8 GB RAM each) . The Cluster Nodes are running on Raspberry Pi OS 64 Bit Beta and a slightly overclocked CPU clock @1,75 Ghz.

Please stay tuned for the next update.


Hey, I am Jan. I am an IT Project and Technical Application Manager specialized on Output Management und CCM Solutions.

I have always been that hands on guy. Since it has not been possible in my business to get in touch with kubernetes I decided to do something on my own. Crunching with BOINC looks reasonable for me here.

I first registred for SETI@Home on 07. July in 1999. Happy crunching!

Artikel: 25

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