Asteroids@home is back online

You may have noticed that the BOINC distributed computing project Asteroids@home went down in July 2020 because of a fatal server crash. Because of the pandemic the team behind this project at Charles University were not able to replace the failed hardware. Now new servers are installed and volunteers can fetch fresh tasks and start crunching on asteroid lightcurves and lightcurve inversion again.

Why am I writing this? Asteroids@home is providing task for ARM processors which means that the raspiBOINC cluster can participate on this project.


Hey, I am Jan. I am an IT Project and Technical Application Manager specialized on Output Management und CCM Solutions.

I have always been that hands on guy. Since it has not been possible in my business to get in touch with kubernetes I decided to do something on my own. Crunching with BOINC looks reasonable for me here.

I first registred for SETI@Home on 07. July in 1999. Happy crunching!

Artikel: 25

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