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Today I received a late christmas present I ordered myself in December 2020. I already did a blog post on Raspberry Pi cases earlier and I am still in love with the idea of printing my own cases with a 3D printer. I decided to gift myself a Prusa Mini+ 3D Printer.

Recently Iwan from released another evolution of his Raspberry Pi Server Rack which is now Mark III. This time he removed the SSD for each Raspberry Pi. So he was able to pack 18 Raspberry into the rack. I do have to modify the Base parts so that my Waveshare PoE HATs will fit into this design. So maybe I will end up with 15 Raspberry which will still deliver enough crunching power for the BOINC Cluster.

Raspberry Pi Server Mark III from

So guess who will assemble a 3D Printer this weekend …


Hey, I am Jan. I am an IT Project and Technical Application Manager specialized on Output Management und CCM Solutions.

I have always been that hands on guy. Since it has not been possible in my business to get in touch with kubernetes I decided to do something on my own. Crunching with BOINC looks reasonable for me here.

I first registred for SETI@Home on 07. July in 1999. Happy crunching!

Artikel: 25

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