BOINC Cluster Benchmarks January 2021

As today the Raspberry Kubernetes Cluster consists of 4 Raspberry Pi 4 (8GB RAM) and runs on Raspberry Pi OS (64 Bit) beta. The Cluster is build with Rancher K3S. Each BOINC pod has assigned 3 CPUs and 6GB of…

BOINC-client management

BOINC is now running on my Desktop PC and also on the 4 Raspberry Pi cluster nodes. So you might can imagine that it is not very comfortable to keep an overview on all running BOINC-clients. The BOINC Manager starts…

Power consumption

All the Rasbperry Pi Nodes are equipped with Waveshare PoE HATs. The PoE HATs fans are enabled manually since the auto RPM control by software depending on the Raspberry Pi CPU temperature is not working correctly on Raspian 64Bit OS.…

Cluster monitoring

Since the BOINC cluster is up and running we need to know if the whole system is healthy. Even if you have just the minimal suggested amount of nodes attached to your master, it is already challenging to check all…

Things to keep in mind

When you are planning to run BOINC on a Kubernetes Raspbery Pi cluster there are e few things you have to keep in mind. Persistence Kubernetes will run the BOINC-client in a so called Pod. This is actually the container…


While testing the BOINC client and its setup on the K3S Cluster I noticed that no task for Rosetta@home are be downloaded. A Quick look on the Project Homepage revealed that there are no tasks ready for download. So nothing…

It’s alive

I read a lot the last days about Kubernetes, Containers and how to create an Deployment for the Kubernetes cluster. I do like to mention the content Jeff Geerling (geerlingguy) creates on his channels like Youtube, Blog or on GitHub.…

Docker Deprecation

Okay that is strange. I am just getting into this Kubernetes / Docker / Container thing right as Kubernetes has announced to depcrecate Docker as the their standard container runtime (see release notes). For me Docker was always a synonym…

K3S Base Installation

Within in the last years buzzwords like container platforms and cloud computing with Amazon AWS got more and more hyped. Docker might propably the first framework which comes in mind when you are thinking about containers. And then there is…